Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Another catch up.

After the family party....

We headed off to Italy with James and Grace and Grace's parents...

Then we had the Sheep Festival where we were showing model railway layouts in the Station Cafe - I put some of the removable parts of my layout in. 

So quite busy really. 
And now we are back to cutting the grass etc.
I used the new hopper system to collect the grass as it needs emptying less. It worked quite well for a prototype. 

Today was my birthday (hooray) and Kate bought me my first trainset! Well my first digitally controlled set anyway. This will need a computer to run it so will be a new layout, separate from the other one. 

In order to accommodate this new growing hobby I am changing the layout of the garage which involves moving the back wall.

1 comment:

Bella said...

And means you can't park the car in there?