Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Catching up....

There have been several days when nothing got done, partly because of visitors and partly because of the weather. When James was here at the weekend we took him for a nice long walk up onto to the Mallaen. 
Today has been a day of dodging rain showers so workshop jobs and garden jobs.
The hedge trimmer had sheared a cylinder head bolt and I had to dismantle the thing to replace it. 

Amazingly it worked again after I had put it all back together and there were no odd bits left over!
I have been planting greenhouse-grown wild flowers in the meadow...

and buddleia and willows down in the waste ground


Bella said...

Where is the waste ground?

Chris Robertson said...

The area beyond the paddock where the swings are. I think that is called the waste ground.

Chris Robertson said...

I have looked at the map and actually it is the wilderness. Nearly right.

Steph said...

Naming of fields must be accurately maintained Dad