Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tree work.

This crab apple fell down during the storm earlier in the year because it had rotted at the base. It is in the way of cutting the grass on the Bracken field so needed to be gone.


The tractor came in very hand dragging the stuff away to the bonfire. 

And soon it was all gone. 

Elsewhere..... the lupins are coming on nicely. 

Monday, May 28, 2018

I’m forever playing catch up.

Life continues as hectic as ever. After five days in Scotland and five days in Reading, which I can’t talk about, i ahve been trying to catch up with emails, websites and gardening. We head off to Cumbria on Thursday so time is short.  The good weather has meant that i have beeen able to get on with cutting the grass but even that has had challenges - the steering arm broke on the mower which required some ingenuity to get going again and a stuck valve on the strimmer required a strip down of the engine. In the picture you can see that one valve is sitting flush but the other is not.   
 Everything else is going and growing.  

Friday, May 11, 2018

Super catch up.

After six weeks in Australia it has been difficult getting back into the system. And another ten day adventure starts on Monday. I did manage to get the grass cut yesterday. But everything is growing and looking good.