Friday, May 26, 2017


I did work in the garden yesterday, but only for the morning. It is hot! Fortunately the cottage stays quite cool inside. 
I was mainly weeding and pruning again. 
More gardening
After lunch it was just too darned hot so i went down to the station and did some indoor gardening on the layout.  And today was much the same, working in the garden in the morning then on my layout after lunch. 
The view
I planted up the bed near the back door. 
New bed
On the layout i have been working on the river and the seaside. 
View up the river

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A different sort of day

In a few weeks the Area Meeting will be held at The Pales and it is a community building day. There will be a tallk on animal welfare and the afternoon will include various activities around wool. i have been making a couple of looms and some drop spinners so that Ffriends can have a go at making a wall hanging using the Balwen wool we have been given. 
Loom one
Loom two
Drop spinners
Balwen wool

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


 Afew household duties involving touching up the paintwaor prior to a new gressing tanle arriving shortly.  Then some more painting in the workshop, working on the harbour area. The four bridges are in place which has led to the harbour being named Forbridge. 
One bridge
Two bridge (OK viaduct)
Three bridge
Forbridge Harbour

Monday, May 22, 2017

How green is my Valley?

Too green! Time to cut the grass. 
More lupins
The white strawberries are nearly ready to eat. 
White strawberries

Friday, May 19, 2017

Catch up

Still haven't got in to the routine of daily blogging so here is a roundup.  Wednesday was a Pales day, so an hour's drive to The Pales then a meeting with our new architects followed by the usual Meeting for Business.  Thursday morning was spent doing paperwork and emails generated by the Pales day! The afternoon was spent at Llandovery Station doing a little light scenery and a lot of sitting around drinking coffee in the cafe. 
Station layout
  This morning, Friday, i managed to do some outside work. A few handyman jobs and some weeding and pruning. But rain stopped play so i was back in the polytunnel and greenhouse for a while and then i gave up and came in for coffee. TGI Friday!
More lupins
Impending doom.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Still working in the poly tunnel

More clearing done in the tunnel. The bed on the right contains white wild strawberries so i will leave them alone until we have eaten the fruit. 
I found some ordinary strwaberries hiding in the foliage too!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Busy weekend

As the weather was not good i worked in the polytunnel. The compost in there is spent now and is infested with sheperd's purse and bundweed. So i am going to empty it completely and work in bags and pots.
Abbi came for the weekend with Oscar and Summer so a certain amount of trains were looked at.
We walked in the bluebell woods at Dinas. 
And today, amongst other things, i have been at the Station adding more grass to the layout there. 
Station layout
The canal barge is out of position to allow for the water to dry.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

In the garden

Two days of cutting the grass. Here are some other things that are happening.   
Lupins in flower
The broom hedge is spectacular
The arch by the tree house is coming on nicely
May blossom in the hedgerows

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Back again

After ten days away visiting Arthur we are back in harness. Tomorrow will be a grass day but today was mainly planting a few things brought back with us and walking around seeing what has grown. 
Apple Blossom
It has taken a while to get this established but it now pops up all over. I call it Swan River daisy but I think it has many names.