Monday, February 13, 2017

Major progress

Lots of progress over the weekend with the layout. 
The is the pop up where I can get to the middle of the layout. It lifts off it will have an allotment on it eventually.
The base terrain has been added. The inclines for the track and the path of the tracks and the canal are in place.
There will be another lift off hill at this end with tunnels for the tracks and canal.

Friday, February 10, 2017

River deep, mountain high.

Work has continued on the layout. The mountain side has been coated with plaster bandage and a base coat added. And the river bed is taking shape. 
River valley.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Mountain building.

Back in the shed this morning, working on the mountains and riverside.
This is the lower hillside/riverside. The cutout is for the canal. 
Plaster bandage will go over this for the top layer. It will be a loose section so that I can get at stuff under the mountain. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A day at the dockside.

A potter in the garden...
Plants moved to the coldframe.
Buds on the magnolia. 
And then work on the bridge and the harbour mouth / sea wall. 
Sea wall
The pins will be replaced with proper bollards eventually.  And the hills are coming alive. 
Forming the hills behind the town.
The bridge will get a centre support......

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Life goes on.

The morning was dry enough to venture out into the garden for the odd bit of tidying up. Things are growing slowly. 
The view
But after lunch forced me in to the Shed, sadly!
Track laying
First bridge

Monday, February 6, 2017

A week in the North.

We spent last week in Cumbria visiting Arthur. We stayed with friends for some of the time a B&B in Caldbeck for one night. 
Now we are back and looking forward to our next little trip. Work can resume on the layout for a while.