Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Another catch up.

After the family party....

We headed off to Italy with James and Grace and Grace's parents...

Then we had the Sheep Festival where we were showing model railway layouts in the Station Cafe - I put some of the removable parts of my layout in. 

So quite busy really. 
And now we are back to cutting the grass etc.
I used the new hopper system to collect the grass as it needs emptying less. It worked quite well for a prototype. 

Today was my birthday (hooray) and Kate bought me my first trainset! Well my first digitally controlled set anyway. This will need a computer to run it so will be a new layout, separate from the other one. 

In order to accommodate this new growing hobby I am changing the layout of the garage which involves moving the back wall.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Necesity is the mother of invention.

The other day I cut the long grass on the football field. The ride on mower does not like long grass and so I cut it and left it to dry. Today I tried to collect it it up but because it was lumpy it kept blocking the mower. So I have been inventing a throat that will throw the grass into the trailer. It seems to work better and not block if there is more air with the grass. So I have made the throat and next I will make a frame on the trailer to catch the grass and keep it all together - at the moment it misses the trailer unless the engine is at very low revs. I also need a deflector on the end of the throat. Good fun!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A car day.

I spent the morning at the garage with the car getting the wheels aligned and new tyres fitted and then spent this afternoon washing it!
But I did get time to finish the onions.

And even if I wasn't busy the bees certainly are.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


We have been in Cumbria for ten days, with Jack and Immie. We saw Arthur, who is doing well but slower, and took him out several times - he has found that he enjoys being pushed round Garden Centres in a wheelchair. We did all the usual things with Immie and Jack and a lot of dog walking. 
Here are a few photos.

I have been catching up on the grass cutting so here are some flowers instead. 

The scented border is doing well.

Some work on the layout.