Friday, July 31, 2015

Frost in July!

This was the sight this morning..

Frost on the conservatory roof. Snow next I suppose.

Cutting grass day so here are some flowers..

And a fine crop of runner beans in the model garden. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A good day to garden....

Weeding is going well, and the grass is drying nicely for cutting tomorrow. 
The pumpkins are thriving...

this quiet corner is bursting with colour.

Thursday afternoon is Railway Club in Llandovery so I went down and helped out. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A day at the computer.

There was web work to be done and my ailing Windows 7 PC finally irritated me enough to set up an old XP box and run the software on that - not to be confused with my iMac which working wonderfully. Worked a treat and the job got done. Also handy as the free track layout designer is only available in Windows so every cloud etc etc. 
But now the sun is out and tomorrow promises to be a good gardening day.  

Monday, July 27, 2015

Wet days mean Model days.

Drizzly rain. So after collecting Gypsy Rose May from Carmarthen where a few issues were sorted out under warranty I worked on the vegetable garden.....

Friday, July 24, 2015


This young fellow turned up under the peanut feeder today, at about four in the afternoon. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Catch up.

Hellen, Immie and Jack are here so mainly I have been making Lego figures. 

They are Ninjas, apparently. 

The racetrack has been used. 

Some gardening has been done, mainly pruning and weeding. 

and a little light modelling too.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Crops update.

The sweet corn are doing really well, safely inside the polytunnel. 

The leeks are not doing well!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Back to the daily grind....

Well, it's more like sand paper actually. 
After another holiday in the caravan in the Cotswolds ( photo album here -  - click the red TV button for a slide show) it is back to the garden, but it is raining so nothing to be done. I cut the grass before it started and we now have a race track in the football field. 

The rabbits are eating everything..... More photos when the rain stops!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Taking over!

Pesky rabbits!

Luckily they can't get into the polytunnel where the sweet corn are doing nicely....

Monday, July 6, 2015

Dodging the rain.

I have been working on the flower border when the rain stopped...

And working on a model for the layout when it rained..

Friday, July 3, 2015

The best ones are the ones you didn't plant!

This has appeared in the veg bed! Not something I have seen in the garden before so must be an old seed worked its way to the surface. 

Progress on the new flower bed. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

We like rabbits, really.

I have been bombarded with complaints ( including a phonecall from the Peter Rabbit Protection League ) about yesterday's post which implied that I might employ razor wire to defend us against rabbits. 
This is why I dislike rabbits....

So the rabbit fence will protect one small section of the garden. 
No rabbits were hurt during the making of the rabbit fence. Unfortunately. 

On a happier note, this is the gift my daughters bought me for Father's Day. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Pesky rabbits.

The nylon netting didn't keep the rabbits out for long and the row of lettuces has been ravaged or should the be rabbitted?
So now chicken wire...

If that doesn't work it will be razor wire next!