Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just when you think life can't get more exciting.....

'a sparrow hawk hits the window. He sat, stunned for a while so I was able to get some photos. 

Today was another day out taking photos of farms. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Autumn bonfire.

Well, I tried to have an autumn bonfire. But the stuff was too wet and after several promising starts I gave up. (No hedgehogs were hurt in this attempted bonfire - I checked very carefully). 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Out with the camera.

A day touring farms and derelict cottages - photos for the book. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Weeding, strimming and mowing.

But still time to sit and watch the late afternoon sun. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A gardening day.

Still a lot of colour in the garden. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Working indoors again.

This is the map I have been creating. The numbers relate to the farms that were surveyed. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Catch up.

Some jobs that have been done but not blogged. 
We had noises in the roof above the dormer - louder than the usual sparrows so measures were taken!

Chicken wire was used to prevent little things getting in. 

The gravel has been finished. 

But today I have been working on the Farm Names Project, placing all the farms on maps for the book.
The next job will be to go and take photos of some of them.  

We got snow!

Well we had snow. On the Mallaen. For ten minutes. Gone now. 

Photos from Bella's Holiday album.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why isn't my name on this chair?

Joseph gets his turn in Tessa's chair. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Who's been sitting in my chair?

and who's been sleeping in my chair?

(In order to understand this post you need to know that the chair is one of a set of four that I made for Abbi, Bella, Steph and Tessa when they were too big for a high chair. Somehow Tessa's has stayed with us and is just right size for a young man. And very comfortable. So comfortable that he fell asleep the first time he used it. ) 

Monday, November 11, 2013


Time to continue with the garden clean up. 

Amazing that the lupins are still in flower - sorry Judith. 

But now the visitors are here....

Friday, November 8, 2013

Expecting visitors......

Bella is coming so I am frantically tidying up...

The polytunnel had been neglected as there are no crops in there now just plants waiting for a home and loads of cuttings - hebe, penstememon and osteospernum are doing particularly well. 

And we have a fire every evening now so more firewood was needed. 

And I turned the compost in bins one and two into bin three. 

So quite busy really. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Free at last, free at last.

Free of the house that is!  

Blue skies!
So back to the duck pond. 

My next problem is that I need to get plants out of the main pond without driving the moorhen away. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I must get out more!

No really, if this rain doesn't stop I will go stir crazy. Today I fitted a back to the bench following complaints about it being 'uncomfortable'.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It is a hard life.

No work today either!  
Yesterday was glorious so we went up into the hills with Dafydd to find an Iron Age stone circle. We found it and saw some wonderful scenery too. 

And today I had to sit in the house and wait for a delivery.......