Saturday, April 28, 2012


The Canada geese have continued to haunt the place with there honking call. This morning they were back on the pond - one of them investigated the island - maybe as a potential nesting site.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

How bizarre.

We are sat eating supper and the hedgehog has come up to feed under the bird table.

More wildlife.

I was walking down to put scraps out for the kites when I spotted this fellow. I shared the scraps with him.

New visitors...

These two Canada geese have been hanging around for a while - flying backwards and forwards across the pond - making a dickens of a row (why 'dickens'?). This morning they were feeding on the pond then walked leisurely down the field, thought about it, then used the field as a runway. Great fun! We also have a pair of Mallards that visit regularly. And the sheep are great fun too - the boys have taken to squaring up to each other, walking backwards a few paces and running at each other at full tilt - quite a blow as their heads smash.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busy in the greenhouse.

Potting on, planting out and sowing more seeds.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Another weekend away....

This time we were on the south coast of Wales at Pembrey. We needed to practice with our new bikes and to make a fault list for RosieMay. There is a photo album here.View album

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Another day off.

Being a grandfather again. Hello Joseph David Mark Williams.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fruit cage.

Last year the birds got most of the soft fruit so this year we will lock them up in a fruit cage. This is the framework.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Progress on the new flowerbed.

Finished now. The soil will need to settle before I can plant it up. The soil cams from a boggy bit of the pig field so we now have a future water feature.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Working on the new flower bed.

(with time off to celebrate the new grandchild. Joseph David Williams. )

Friday, April 13, 2012

The site of the next bridge.

The next bridge on the Sand Path will be here crossing the little stream by the bracken field. The old bonfire site has gone - the new one will be at the bottom of the field.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A day in the garden dodging April showers.

More seeds planted - spinach, beetroot and swede. Plus more flower seeds. Also more strimming down the stream side.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Green, green grass of home.

How can I have spent a whole day cutting grass? And not have done it all? But I have strimmed the bracken field. Here is a short film about mowing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Back to work.

After a pleasant weekend at New Quay - photo album here Photo album for this trip.
Work starts again. Block work and capping to the steps. And taking cooked soil from the fire pit to fill the flowerbed.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A wet day ( but no snow)

A day if doing odd jobs. Making stakes. Sowing grass seed. And adding more seed tray shelving in the polytunnel.

Catchup time.

We had a visitor over the weekend (Abbi) so no work got done. Lots of talking and sitting and reading and not a lot of drinking. We did get out for a wonderful walk on Sunday - everywhere looking very spring-like.
Monday morning was more sitting and talking and reading too. The afternoon was spent doing some website work.
Tuesday - work begins again.
First job - putting boarding around the fruit trees to make it easier to strim round them.
And the next project - making a flower bed in front of what we call the dining terrace but is the old base of the greenhouse.