Saturday, January 29, 2011

Great news!!!

Today we got two eggs! First time ever. Eggs for breakfast, lunch and supper from now on.

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok etc etc.

Another day working on the wood piles.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Today's job......

was to start clearing all the branches from our weekend of felling. While I was working Gareth drove past and stopped to chat. He is the local Eddie Grundy - a proper odd job man.

This sycamore was suffering from die-back

(not to be confused with Dai bach). Gareth and Thomas agreed to fell it and clear all the branches that were overhanging the power line. Two hours later the branches and the tree were gone but it was too dark to take a photo.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Strange the things you find....

We took Helen and Steve and Immie and Jack for a walk up the hill and found
this - it is the root of a thistle that has weathered away.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A beautiful sunset this evening.

A day of little jobs - sawing logs, burning the offcuts and garden waste, clearing up ready for other jobs...... Busy busy ( but not as busy as Bella and Steph )

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Cold frame made from recycled bits.

The door off an old shower came in very handy.

New (boys) toy.

and this is what it can do.

This was a tree trunk that Steve and I moved from over by the old oil tank. The bits on the left will dry and be suitable for woodturning. The bits on the right will be suitable for woodburning!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Siskins have been feeding regularly at the feeder - this one was quite happy
for me to get very close.

Another beautiful day.....

and when our neighbour invited us to join them for a walk we were too polite to refuse.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our walk

We went on a new walk this afternoon up the hill behind the house - or in
front of the house probably - you can see it in the photo, behind the
playhouse. The walk took us right to the trig point looking out to the
Beacons one way and up the valley to the North. Amazing.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is art. Stuff floating on the pond.

This is the equivalent of the test card on tv. Not much happening here - just watching the rain falling. But I have ordered full wet weather gear!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Water butts.

The new water butts set up to capture the water from the garage roof and will be piped to the polytunnel.

A good use for a barbecue.

Steve was threatening to use the old barbecue for cooking food so I had to work quickly. Alpine plants in the top and ferns in the bottom. Sorry Steve.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rain stopped play.

Rain rain rain. Fields are very wet. I am building a boat. The rabbits will be ok but we may have to leave some chickens behind.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Interesting times.

I have had a couple of days doing fiddly little jobs - in the house and odds and ends in the garden and greenhouses ( doesn't that sound grand.... Greenhouses....). Things like planting sweet peas and broad beans and moving the fruit bushes from under the fruit trees. But then this afternoon Monika popped in. She is the previous previous owner and ex-wife of the man who did the original conversion. Kate had met her in the local supermarket a while ago and invited her to pop in. She brought with her the original building plans to give us and told us many tales of the place. We gave her a guided tour and she has promised to return with photos of the work in progress.