Friday, October 29, 2010

A stormy day. Wet and windy.

But the chicken run is finished and populated by rabbits. The remaining chicken is still terrified - laying eggs still but keeping to the hedges. When the rabbits have settled in we will move her overnight so she wakes up in her new home.

Steve found these on his four mile run.

I need to look them up to see if they will do for breakfast.

Brave new world.

The rabbits explore the chicken run for the first time.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Immie with the rabbits in the hen house.

Today the rabbits are called Blackberry and Elderberry but we are not ordering engraved name plates yet!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life's a bitch.

Today we lost the golden chicken to more local wildlife. The sparrowhawk has been hanging around for some time and today chicken was on the menu. The chickens are in the habit of coming across to the backdoor for breakfast and the sparrowhawk ambushed her on the way. Fortunately Kate spotted the hawk and ran into the garden but it was too late. The other one is traumatised but surviving and avoiding wide open spaces!! Even more reasons to get the chicken run finished - get her inside before the sparrowhawk gets her too and get more chickens so she has some company.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

New livestock!

New additions to our zoo. Two black rabbits from Freecycle who will live in the chicken pen and have their own section of the hen house.

It is so beautiful .....

It makes you want to run round the fields singing "oh what a beautiful morning ..."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Busy doing nothing.

No not really. Doing boring things like finishing the chicken run. Not worth a photo. But this was the morning mist rising out of the valley this morning.

I love it when a plan works.

There has been so much rain in the last twenty four hours that the new top pond has filled up and is running down the new stream bed to the bottom pond. I had assumed it would just drain away until I put in a liner.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Making a molehill out of a mountain.

Leveling the mound to make a level area for the polytunnel and compost bins etc.

The raised beds leveled.

The shrubs removed from the lawn area.

And the start of leveling the old raised beds.

A new flowerbed for the shrubs from the lawn area.

Gardening with a jcb is easy! Dig the bed with it. Dig the planting holes with it. Dig up the shrubs with it. Easy peasy.